
The work 1+1=1 addresses, with a title as ironic as it is critical, the failure of those love relationships in which the sum of two people does not lead to a true We but, rather, to each person returning to himself.

In arithmetic, 1+1 always equals 2; in the same way, a couple should represent the union of two people, capable of completing each other, maintaining individuality but living an authentic understanding.

However, when the relationship loses this balance, the harmony breaks down, and each person ends up listening only to his own voice, chasing his own pride and ignoring the other person. Thus, the calculus changes: the couple is no longer the union of two but becomes a solitary unit. 1+1, therefore, no longer results in 2, but returns to being just 1.

What was meant to be a We unravels and love - from a feeling of passionate dedication, a source of shared happiness - turns into a burden that oppresses and divides.
In this scenario, even the feathers, symbol of lightness and harmony, lose their meaning and drift away, floating away from the couple, unable to resist the growing weight of non-love.

The couple, from an indissoluble duo, disintegrates into two increasingly distant individualities, which lose their lightness until they vanish into a dark vortex, separating.

1+1=1 thus represents a profound reflection on how the lack of listening, the priority given to selfishness and the absence of mutual dedication can turn the promise of love into a lonely boulder, where, in the end, what remains is not a couple but an individual.
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