Image to be in a museum to visit Goya exhibition and suddenly you are in a black room. Lights on and you end up inside his works which moves and tell a story: nightmares of a humanity brutality
Title: Not [in this case] either (Tampoco) from the series The Disasters of War (Los Desastres de la Guerra)
Credits: Fondazione Sarah Campbell Blaffer, Houston
Title: Self-Portrait
Credits: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
Title: When day breaks we will be off
Credits: Fondo fiduciario Paul Rodman Mabury
Title: To Go amongst the Branches, i.e. To Talk through One’s Hat [Ridiculous Folly]
Credits:Open Access Image from the Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University (
Title: Volaverunt
Credits: Open Access Image from the Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University (
Title: Pretty teacher!
Credits: Open Access Image from the Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University (
Title: Fearful Folly
Credits: © Museo Lázaro Galdiano
Title: Spanish Entertainment
Credits: Gobierno de Aragón
Title: A Way of Flying
Credits: CC0
Title: Those specks of dust
Credits: Open Access Image from the Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University (
Title: It is time
Credits: Open Access Image from the Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University (
Title: El sueño de la razón produce monstruos
Credits:© Amministratori del British Museum