Memento Mori is an exhibition in the Lettl Museum in Augsburg - Germany.
It is a path of 13 canvas of the surrealistic artist Wolfgang Lettl which are animated by me.
Each animation lasts 1 minute and are my own reworking of the thoughts of the artist who painted the pictures during a period of his illness before he died.
The texts of the animations were written by me and translated into Italian, English and German languages
Surrealism has awakened many emotions in me: positive and negative, very opposite.
So also the pictures by Wolfgang Lettl: each work shows a side of the artist, reveals his essence. There are very clear works, others that are much more complex and mysterious.
13 works between the world of dreams and reality, full of fears and emotions in the face of death.
In the videos shown in this exhibition, you can hear my thoughts on the pictures, which are sometimes also stories from my own life.
01: The ferryman - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
02: The fool - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
03: The lords of the night - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
04: The curse of the gods - Wolfgang LettI, 2005
05: Virgil's visit to the Underworld - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
06: Maddalena - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
07: The incursion - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
08: Innocence - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
09: The watchman - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
10: The matter - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
11: The Earthquakes - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
12: The Earthquakes - Wolfgang Lettl, 2005
13: There must be a future somewhere - Wolfgang Lettl, 200