You realise that Christmas has come when you start seeing an irresistible combo on the table: frittelle and Neapolitan cards!
The Christmas season brings to all Apulian homes an incredible smell of fried pettole filled with any ingredient, but above all, there is every kind of game invented with cards.
In Barletta there is a pastime dating back to the Middle Ages called "Mediatore".
It is a card game typical of the city of Barletta, played with the classic 40 cards deck.
Handed down from generation to generation, it is the favourite pastime in the city.
It is a card game typical of the city of Barletta, played with the classic 40 cards deck.
Handed down from generation to generation, it is the favourite pastime in the city.
It has rules that are completely different from any other existing game. It can be said to be slightly similar to Briscola or Tressette but with different modalities.
In fact, during festivities in particular, families gather before and after a meal around the table to play, and the men devote themselves to the game of mediator. Access to the table for inexperienced young people is forbidden, they have to earn it over time, gaining their first experiences among friends.
Every youngster learns to play as he grows up, memorising the cards, trying to understand every peculiarity of the game with its strategies and ironclad rules from which you cannot escape.

The Puglieser - Christmas Edition #1.
The first book entirely created by artists with The Puglieser.
Dedicated to Christmas, it contains 35 unpublished illustrations and 16 short stories dedicated to Christmas.
Part of the proceeds will be donated to the "People's Outpatient Clinic" in Barletta.